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Metrolinx Update

The fall has always been a refreshing time of year full of reflection and change.

With restrictions slowly relaxing through these next few holiday filled months, it is important to stay safe and enjoy our freedoms responsibly. Summer 2021 was filled with restart plans as we began to ramp up to prepare for more busses, busier busses, and new buses. We welcomed back Route 16 to the Hamilton GO along with some thirdparty carriers finding a home at The Union Station Bus Terminal.

With freedoms increasing, we also began to see a great increase in the volume of civilians and customers using the Bus Terminals. We take great pride in the level of customer service we provide and continue to provide as the volume of people increase.

Being out on the platforms more has also led to engagement opportunities like our station wide Step Challenge Competition, with the winning station awarded insoles for their work boots. 

Congratulations Hamilton! One of my personal highlights of the last few months must be our AAI Employee Appreciation Day at Canada’s Wonderland.

Seeing our team members run from one rollercoaster to the next with their friends and family was truly an incredible experience… and so was riding the Yukon Striker back-to-backto-back.

As we continue to navigate what feels like our final big restart, our team is committed to brushing up on training and signaling, customer service and safety as we enter our annual recurrent training season.

I’m looking forward to what the future holds!