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One Step at a Time

During the month of April, we organized a station-wide step challenge amongst the three Metrolinx stations; Hamilton GO, Yorkdale Station and Union Station Bus Terminal (USBT).

Employees within each station were asked to track the number of steps they accumulated on shift and, at the end of the month, the station with the highest number of total steps would be rewarded with a prize. The purpose of the challenge was to encourage our employees to adopt an active lifestyle as statistics indicate that only 16% of adult Canadians are getting at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week. This is important because research shows that a sedentary lifestyle is linked to many diseases and conditions, such as obesity, hypertension, back pain, cancer, cardiovascular disease and depression. Employees at the Hamilton GO Centre were rewarded athletic orthopedic insoles for their achievement.

Congratulations again Hamilton GO!! 

At the end of April, the station with the highest number of steps was the Hamilton GO Centre with a total of 329,802 steps.