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Testimonial from Charanjeet Sidhu

I started my journey with AAI in 2019 as a Surveillance Escort and have been enjoying my time with AAI. In September 2020 I had the opportunity to train and promote myself into an DA AVOP driver which provided me the opportunity to work on the Apron and gain the necessary experience to upgrade to a D AVOP. In March 2020 I was given that Testimonial from Charanjeet Sidhu opportunity after working hard studying and practicing I was successful and now am a D AVOP / ROC-A.

I got my first airside shift within a week of achieving my D and performed my duties whole heartedly and never given calls for complaints. I am very passionate about my work and commit heart and soul into everything I do. I have no fear to face the challenges I am presented always maintain a positive attitude. I really love working at AAI and am always learning new things each day.

While training for my D AVOP I had the best trainers in Patti and Gino they are amazing, very experienced, helpful, and well educated. Patti gave me different ideas and ways to look at things that was extremely helpful in obtaining my D.

I feel so lucky to become a part of AAI team and am especially thankful to our Operations Manager Paul Tirkalas who always provides the best for the employees, he is always supports the employees and always encourages us to do better and upgrade our roles and jobs.

I truly want to say, “To be successful first thing to do fall in love with your job. If you love with your job, you’ll enjoy it and already get a success”.